The objective of this class is to give an overview of the main nonlinear optics phenomena and their applications. This course follows on from the M1 course on the basic principles of nonlinear optics.

Outline of the course:

A. χ2 nonlinear phenomena

1. Reminders on the basics of nonlinear optics

a) Linear and non-linear responses of a material medium to electromagnetic excitation b) Linear, 2nd order and 3rd order non-linear polarizations

2. χ2 non-linear effects

a) Basic equations

b) 2nd order non-linear processes (SHG, SFG, DFG): phase matching and energy conservation

c) Non-linear coupled-wave equations and solutions

3. Applications of χ2 effects

a) Periodically-Poled nonlinear medium

b) Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPO)

c) Squeezing and noiseless amplification of light

d) Nonlinear imaging

e) Laser pulses and frequencies metrology

B. χ3 nonlinear phenomena: nonlinear optics in fibers

1. Introduction to Nonlinear Optics

2. The third-order nonlinear polarization

3. Basics of Optical Fibers

4. Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)

a) Quantum description

b) Spontaneous vs Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)

c) The Raman threshold; effect of polarization

d) Applications : Amplifiers, lasers, sensors

5. The Optical Kerr Effect

a) Self-phase modulation (SPM)

b) Cross-phase modulation (XPM)

c) Optical solitons

d) Modulation instability (MI)

e) Four-wave mixing (FWM)

f) Optical parametric amplification (OPA

6. Supercontinuum generation

a) The nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE)

b) Dispersive wave generation

C. Raman scattering

1. Introduction: scattering processes

a) Scattering process

b) History

2. Recall on molecular polarizability

3. Intensity scattered by an oscillating dipole

a) Wave radiated by one induced dipole
b) Intensity of the scattered wave

4. Spontaneous Raman scattering

a) Classical approach

b) Examples

5. Spontaneous Raman scattering: intensity and polarization

a) Intensities of Raman lines

b) Quantum contribution

c) Polarization of Raman lines for anisotropic molecules

6. Raman spectroscopy based on

a) Spontaneous Raman scattering

b) Surface Enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)

c) Coherent Raman scattering (CRS)

7. Stimulated Raman scattering

D. Brillouin scattering

1. History of scattering

a) Who is Leon Brillouin?

b) Laser and optical fiber develop the scattering of light

2. Basics of Brillouin scattering

3. Applications on fiber sensor, fiber laser and optical data processing.

a) Brillouin spectroscopy (BLS)

b) Beam cleaning (Phase conjugation mirror)

c) Suppression of Brillouin scattering for high power fiber laser

d) Coherent fiber laser

d) Distributed fiber sensor