Metamaterials and multiphysical couplings [solved with finite elements]
Prof. : Muamer Kadic & Vincent Laude
- PDE, wave equations and boundary conditions in physics
- Constitutive models
- electromagnetism
- Acoustics & elasticity
- Thermal transport / electrostatics / diffusion equations
- Metamaterials
- Simple models: bilayers in transport
- Mass – spring mechanics & acoustics
- Effective properties
- Examples of metamaterials
- Finite element models with FreeFem++
- Introduction to the language: domain, mesh, variables, weak form, boundary conditions, solving a linear equation (forced response), obtaining eigenvalues and eigenvectors (with Laplacian operator)
- 2D photonic and sonic crystals (scalar wave equation, periodicity, radiation boundary condition)
- Guided waves in optical planar waveguides and fibers (weak form, sound cone)
- Vibrations and modes of mechanical resonators (PML, 3D mesh)
- Acousto-optical coupling in nanophotonics (photoelastic and moving boundary effects, optomechanics)